Certified Rolfer® in Garden City, NY
Garden City New York is location that is not far from where I maintain my Rolfing® practice. And I am pleased to serve the Garden City area. I am a Certified Rolfer®, this means that I have been Certified by the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute as a provider of Rolfing® Structural Integration, which is a registered trademark of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute.
There are only about 4000 Certified Rolfers in the World today. The reason why there are so few is that Rolfing® Structural Integration is a relatively young profession, only having sprang into the World during the lifetime of Ida P. Rolf who was born on May 19, 1896 and died at the age of 82 on March 19, 1979. As a result my generation of Rolfers® have been able to train with practitioners who directly studied with the Founder of Structural Integration, and I have been privileged to have been able to do so myself. Being such a young form of health care, and the training being a uniquely challenging experience, Rolfing® Structural Integration has a limited the number of practitioners.
The founder of Structural Integration, Ida Rolf, was a remarkable woman, a biochemist, as well as a body-worker extraordinaire. The term Rolfing® Structural Integration takes her name, which she gave to the school she founded, which she started in New York, and is presently located in Boulder Colorado. In creating Rolfing® Structural Integration Ida Rolf took her inspiration from many sources, Yoga, Osteopathy, Feldenkrais and combined these with a unique perspective focusing on the fascia of the body and how the health of that fascia contributed to the way human beings function in the field of gravity. Ida Rolf’s idea that the structure of the body, as embodied by the fascial underpinnings of the bones, muscles and nervous system, could be changed, made better, integrated, was truly revolutionary. Feel free to contact me to schedule your Rolfing or Scarwork sessions!